Production log
Looking at the mark scheme has allowed me to see what areas I must focus on to gain as many marks as possible. It has also allowed me to see how the examiner views work and where they award the marks which means I can focus on area and build them up to target a British audience and have conventions of a British social realism.
Looking at past students works has helped me because I found it much easier to see what standard i need to work at and to see how and what they found difficult to put into a 2 minute sequence. It also helped me as I can see what kind of issues they used and themes, I feel I can also learn from their mistakes because we gave each of the sequence a mark we believed was correct. I was marking them too low which helped me see that you can gain marks from little things like the continuity of the sequence.
Looking at their past work this will help see what I can do better in my work, I found it was the little things that added to their work. Overall I feel this week will help as I know what to include and where, like the title and credit should come the beginning rather then at the end, due to the sequence looking like a trailer. This week gave me an insight to opening sequences of movies and how they are effective and not effective.
From looking at other peoples work I will avoid copying music which is not copyright free and make sure that I target an British audience through British issues and convention, creating a British social realism. I will also avoid shots which aren't solid, we saw some shot in past students work which were shaking which made the opening sequence ineffective. I will also try and make sure I deal with a topic which has something to do with British social realism using the convention and shots. I will also make sure that the sequence doesn't look like a trailer bynot summin the film up in 2 minute.
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