Thursday, 28 February 2013

Primary audience research

Primary research
We created a vox pop as we felt that we could get the most out of the information as we receive feedback from a wide range of people. 


Most people knew what a British social realism was but others had no idea that BSR was genre, therefore i showed them my trailer, which i created by mashing up some BSR trailers. This helped people get a rough idea to answer some more questions for me. 
I then asked different people to define BSR to me most said that they show the reality of living in Britain, one answer that stood out was someone who said it shows what Hollywood doesn't.
I was also shocked about the amount of people who have seen adulthood, kidulthood and attack the block as they are BSR. This shows people watch BSR even though they are un-aware what genre it is, however i was also shocked that people who answered different questions haven't seen any off the BSR which were distributed by big companies.
I also asked people what would they put into their story if they had to create a BSR, overall people said they would create something that shows both sides of whats happening as they believe people judge people without knowing their story which i think is a good idea to change the representation of Britain and BSR being negative.
Another question was what issues do you feel go on in modern day, most people said drugs, alcohol and sex which is beyond common in our generation however their are other important issues which someone outlined in the video as being gun crime and knife crime, i feel that each issue that could be dealt with all are equally important.
We also asked people what issues they would expect to see in a BSR, they mainly replied with negative answers such as violence and drugs. I feel that we could possible make our opening sequence challenge this idea to make people aware that not all issues are negative their just shown to be realistic.
Leading from this question i then asked what issues do you feel go on in modern day and the general response again was drugs and poverty. I feel these response have come from what people see and walking around London we see a lot of homeless people and we see young teens taking drugs.
Peoples view on the locations was all the same as they expected run down places such as estates and alleys. This is a very common view however this could be challenged as some estates are not all bad or to be what people expect.
Something i feel that would help me and Ella was the question about what grabs your attention. Peoples  response were something that happens out of the blue and un-expected. I feel this could be done in the genre of BSR as it would be realistic as most things in the characters like would happen un-expected.
In terms of our idea the feedback was very helpful as we didn't have much of a vision but peoples views help us. People thought our idea was different and something that could happen to someone easily in modern day but the also thought that it would be un-realistic and they felt that the situation could be more extreme and focus on one issue to may it more dramatic and intense.
We asked people what would they put in a BSR if they had to create a movie, their responses focused on one issue which would be easy to connote to the audience. But they would do this is a cross-cutting effect between two characters which i think is a good idea to show two views of a the same lifestyle. 

Meet my audience
I then created my perfect target audience, i used the research to make my idea fit for one person. I chose a boy due to the stereotype of boys being more into the idea of violence and abusive relationships.

How has it helped?
The research has helped develop our idea a before we started we had no idea where or what to do with our idea. The research has helped my understand my audience more to the point where i know what kind of things would grab their attention and what issues they feel they can relate more to. Asking the audience about our idea has helped me developed the idea into a better shape as we know what we could possible involve in the idea to make people want to watch the rest of the movie after the opening. However i still believe we could expand and develop more on our idea as we could make the situation more extreme (as the audience research shows) but encode the message into the text. 
I also feel that i understand BSR more know as i have taken peoples views and ideas in, I take inspiration from their ideas.
From the feedback i think i would like to make our idea less complex as we asked people what they thought of our idea and we received feedback such as it being to complex and un-realstic. I agree with their views as looking at our idea know it would be hard to fit that much in to an opening sequence to make the audience want more.
I also feel peoples view are different to mine and Ella's which is interesting as it helps us make our idea more verstile to the audience to attract as many people as we can and create information which will help people relate to or just realise how life can be for people.
I think me and Ella have a lot of room to improve our idea as the audience researched helped us look more into our idea and break it down.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Production log 4

Production log 4

I have learnt that my target audience are people who would be able to relate to the issues within my opening sequence as they are the people in Britain who BSR are based upon. This means i need to find ways that i can appeal to my audience to make them want to watch the rest of the movie. From my audience research i have understood what people in my target audience age rage would like to see as an issue and whats would make them want to watch the rest of my opening sequence.  I also used this week to get a rough idea of my opening as i took the feedback from my research and tried to mash it up to get an idea where to start. I also learnt that i have to make my opening powerful and hard-hitting enough for our generation to carry on watching it as we have to compete with Hollywood movie.

This week we have looked at the audience of BSR in detail as we had to create a profile combining a perfect person to aim my opening at, this helped me as i felt i was breaking my idea and making sure its aimed at the correct audience. Asking people with were my target audience helped see what people enjoy, i was all shocked that people hadn't seen BSR movies like adulthood or attack the block. In my film i will make sure i use the common conventions that independent movie companies would use when making a BSR like un-varnished and run down areas to connote BSR to be as real as possible. I would also like to make it clear about the issues I'm trying to highlight so my niche audience area aware of what goes on day to day for some people.

Overall i will use this week has helped me understand how my audience work and that i need to make sure that i make issues aware in my opening in which the can relate to on a personal level and keep the common conventions of BSR in mind.

Sound analysis

Sound analysis 
I looked at the sound in the opening sequence of Kes, the sound was mainly diegetic apart from the soundtrack. 

Thursday, 14 February 2013

BSR Visual style

I analysed three films in this powerpoint through three aspect, miss-en-scene, camera and editing. I used British Social Realism movies. 

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Possible locations


First location

If i had to pick a location for my opening sequence for a British Social Realism i would pick estates, due to the idea of estates being typically British. I also feel like i could create a social realism film there due to the look and stereotype of having a hard up bringing. I would use the estate on the eastern avenue as we see a main road which is busy, this adds to the whole idea of BSR being realistic and occurring in the real world. Estates are a common convention in BSR due the idea of a hard up bring and living in estates leads to crime and violence because people living there have no hope.,+Romford&hl=en&ll=51.582498,0.141084&spn=0.001053,0.002411&sll=52.8382,-2.327815&sspn=8.339986,19.753418&oq=eastern+avenue+&hnear=Eastern+Ave+E,+Romford,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=51.582396,0.140921&panoid=zinn1qWGnHVxVKkT5ow01g&cbp=12,209.92,,0,-14.56

Second location

Another location could be inside a prison or hospital if i had the budget. This is because i could make my character a drug addict in rehab but he only got to the position in life due to his hard life growing up committing crime and seeing violence from a young age. This location would be a typical BSR location due to the theme of drugs, violence, crime and childhood. The location would add to the effect, i would use Ilford police station due to the whole look of Ilford as it looks typically British and has a run down look in my view.
Third location
I could also use the area of barking as the area has a rough look to it which would add to the idea of a BSR. Barking has a very typical British look to it and also the fact that barking is dominantly white. A specific area in Barking would be Barking market would be good to use as it would be a good place for petty crime. The market has a look that would be seen in BSR, people can't afford big brands so we then have the markets. The market is also very busy which adds to the idea of being realistic and a lot could happen in this area. Also we see a lot of police around this area which could help connote BSR to an audience, as well as we see a lot of school children hanging around.,0.078992&spn=0.008382,0.01929&sll=51.580745,0.141108&sspn=0.035415,0.077162&hnear=Barking+Market&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=51.536767,0.078992&panoid=-4zlPxFrjSHDzfVsADZlyw&cbp=12,44.15,,0,19.82

Forth location 

I could use a sub way as the whole representation and stereotype of sub ways are commonly bad. I could use the sub way for the idea of a drug deal as the lighting is very dark which could add to the effect of being a BSR. I would use the sub way in Romford as its under a main road and the noise would help connote a BSR. Also the sub way in Romford leads to other sub ways. A sub way would be a good location as it would be a typical spot were people meet to deal as people don't use the sub way due to how scary it is. The dirty look of the sub way would help it fit into a BSR film.,0.176854&spn=0.016109,0.038581&sll=51.579656,0.17797&sspn=0.016215,0.038581&hq=matalan&hnear=Romford,+Greater+London,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=15&layer=c&cbll=51.576453,0.176885&panoid=NTpOV5ZsPh1KLiTZhX3X5A&cbp=12,345.86,,1,14.15

How British Social Realism themes are used.

How British Social Realism themes are used.

Violence-Nil by mouth
The key them in this scene is violence ad childhood. These themes are established in this clip as we see the protagonist shouting at the women which then leads to him beating her however we don't see the women whilst she is being beaten only after this creates more attention and awareness of the situation. We see childhood being established as we denote the little girl sitting on the stair whilst her mother is being abused, when she see her dad she runs aways almost scared. Violence is portrayed in a very hard hitting, scary and powerful way as we see the damage it does. Childhood is portrayed to the audience in a very scary and lonely way as she the daughter can't help her mum but just sit there. We see the little girl by herself on the stairs. I would explore the theme of violence and childhood in my opening by combining them as a bad childhood could lead to violence, however i would show the effects of a life with violence from the kids point of view as it would shock the audience more. 

Petty crime- Kidulthood
The theme in kidulthood is petty crime but also racism. The themes are established as we see the protagonist enter a corner shop to steal two beers. Petty crime is also established as we see a little kid walk into a corner not a big brand store to only steal 2 cans of beer which would only cost him £5. Its a very petty crime as he could be arrested just for stealing 2 cans, it also then added as he steal them and he doesn't even get one. This portrays petty crime to be pointless, but also portrays young boys to be committing petty crime for no reason, therefore fulfilling the stereotype of young boys. I would explore the theme of petty crime in a which it seemed so petty but necessary to the protagonist in order to survive.

Alcohol- Life is sweet
In this clip we see the theme of alcohol. The theme is established as we see the effects of alcohol on he  protagonist, we see him get violent as he throws the tables over. We also denote a women trying to calm him down whilst he is trying o take his clothes off which may be connoted as a common stereotype of a women's role. The clip portrays alcohol to have power over our protagonist which is shown in a very negative way. Alcohol is portrayed to be very un-healthy for your behaviour. I would explore the use  alcohol in my opening through a way in which it would make the audience aware of the negative effects alcohol.

Drugs-Sweet sixteen
This clip explores the themes of drugs but not in a typical way, we denote the stuggles of being a supplier rather than a user. In this clip we don't see him use the drugs but we see drugs take his life over as he gets involved in the drug business at a young age. We establish this as we see him being threated by sevrall men and him being controlled by other people as he has been asked to kill someone. Drugs are portrayed as a lifetime of struggle even if you dont use them, being involved still get you into a trouble as he find himself in debt. I would explore the theme of drugs in my opening by cross cutting between someone using drugs and a life of a dealer.

Racism-This is England

In this clip we see the theme of racism, petty crime and childhood. The themes are established all together as we see the little boy walk in and shout racial insults, then we see the group walk in and take little things like sweets and drink. The theme of racism is established in a verbal but shocking way as we see a little boy getting so involved in the racism. Petty crime is portrayed to be very easy as they walk in to the shop and take what they want. Childhood is portrayed to be a very influential thing as we see the little boy trying to act like a grown man. Racism is portrayed as a very horrible and scary  incident  to occur as we see an a hard working mans job and shop get robbed. I would explore the theme of racism in a different content as we don't really see that white males and females may face racism. I would also explore the themes of petty crime and childhood is a way which shocked the audience as we would see a very young character involved in the situations.

Production log 3

Production log 3
I have learnt that most British Social Realism opening either create enigma or are smash mouth as they have to compete with other Hollywood movies. I also learnt this week how to look for themes which occur in the opening and see how they are established and portrayed in such a small time. I also realised this week that British Social Realism establish the theme and main characters quickly but in an effective way. I also learnt this week that the credit not only consist of the names of each important member but also if the person has a qualification for example some people who are cinematography have b.s.c next to their name. Also the graphics make the colour scheme of the picture or action behind it so they don't take much attention away from the scene but are visible to see as they are a convention of movies. Theme is a big part of British Social Realism as they base everything around it to make a film that outlines issues, we also went into more detail between the real world and British Social Realism movie. Credits consist of the institutional names and logo, main cast, title, main crew, editor, producer and director.

This will inform my production as i will as i understand how themes play a role in British Social Realism, i understand how i need to apply the theme in my opening scenes whilst having credit which are consistent and don't take attention away from the action. Looking in detail at the opening sequence of Happy-Go-Lucky helped me as it allowed me to see how British Social Realism use each second of their opening sequences. The credits play a big part in the opening so i wont make the mistake of only include 1 or 2 but the important roles played in production. Looking at sequences in lesson allowed me to see how BSR work in ways they connote themes and representation in short spaces, i will need to learn how to make my opening portrays a theme and creates enigma.

In an opening sequence you would expect to see a smash mouth or something that creates enigma to make the audience aware and interested enough to want to watch the rest of the film. Opening sequences help the audience decide if they want to spend time watching something, You would also be introduced to some or all the characters involved. A smash mouth is being hit in the face with the action from the beginning this would catch the audiences attention and get them involved, we see a smash mouth opening in.... I would use this to gain attention from viewers to make them watch the rest of the movie. Personally i think in my opening i would try and combined smash mouth with enigma to create as much tension and gain as much attention from my audience. Combined both would be effective and new.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Happy-Go-Lucky Visual Timeline

I analysed the opening of Happy-Go-lucky, however I perosnally felt it didn't have an impact on me and i wouldnt watch the rest of the film due to the fact that it only had credits and a women on a bike. There was no enigma or action to get my attention, the theme wasn't real established either.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Production Log 2

Production Log 2

This week i felt that i took a lot in as we explored more into openig sequences and how BSR work in terms of their themes and issues they deal with. Themes that occur in everyday life in the UK which is backed up with News are shown in BSR through very tough situations. I learnt that BSR films use real life situations which the audience may have experience on time or anoher in heir life. I also learnt that opening sequences has more credits then i thought as they involve every main role from cast to crew.

Taking in what i have learnt from this week, i will make sure that i don't just repeat names in the credit and also make sure i use a theme that is not only BSR but an audience could relate to in the real word. I also will use the fact that i learnt that BSR take you into the action by the un-varnished camera work and the hard-hitting themes that are shown to be as real as possible.

I found that looking at the themes which BSR social realism deal with are influenced by the real world and News. This allowed me to see were BSR ideas start, looking at stories in the news is hard to believe things like that happen but BSR highlight them allowing the audience to be made aware. Also i found how BSR are unique which gave me a new insight about BSR movies and how they try and involve the audience.

I think conforming to the conventions we looked at this week will help make my opening sequence look much more real also using a common theme shown in BSR will help target my audience. However the sequences we seen this week haven't had much action in the opening, mainly credits. I would like to have a balance of credits and action to create enigma.