Sunday, 10 February 2013

Possible locations


First location

If i had to pick a location for my opening sequence for a British Social Realism i would pick estates, due to the idea of estates being typically British. I also feel like i could create a social realism film there due to the look and stereotype of having a hard up bringing. I would use the estate on the eastern avenue as we see a main road which is busy, this adds to the whole idea of BSR being realistic and occurring in the real world. Estates are a common convention in BSR due the idea of a hard up bring and living in estates leads to crime and violence because people living there have no hope.,+Romford&hl=en&ll=51.582498,0.141084&spn=0.001053,0.002411&sll=52.8382,-2.327815&sspn=8.339986,19.753418&oq=eastern+avenue+&hnear=Eastern+Ave+E,+Romford,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=51.582396,0.140921&panoid=zinn1qWGnHVxVKkT5ow01g&cbp=12,209.92,,0,-14.56

Second location

Another location could be inside a prison or hospital if i had the budget. This is because i could make my character a drug addict in rehab but he only got to the position in life due to his hard life growing up committing crime and seeing violence from a young age. This location would be a typical BSR location due to the theme of drugs, violence, crime and childhood. The location would add to the effect, i would use Ilford police station due to the whole look of Ilford as it looks typically British and has a run down look in my view.
Third location
I could also use the area of barking as the area has a rough look to it which would add to the idea of a BSR. Barking has a very typical British look to it and also the fact that barking is dominantly white. A specific area in Barking would be Barking market would be good to use as it would be a good place for petty crime. The market has a look that would be seen in BSR, people can't afford big brands so we then have the markets. The market is also very busy which adds to the idea of being realistic and a lot could happen in this area. Also we see a lot of police around this area which could help connote BSR to an audience, as well as we see a lot of school children hanging around.,0.078992&spn=0.008382,0.01929&sll=51.580745,0.141108&sspn=0.035415,0.077162&hnear=Barking+Market&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=51.536767,0.078992&panoid=-4zlPxFrjSHDzfVsADZlyw&cbp=12,44.15,,0,19.82

Forth location 

I could use a sub way as the whole representation and stereotype of sub ways are commonly bad. I could use the sub way for the idea of a drug deal as the lighting is very dark which could add to the effect of being a BSR. I would use the sub way in Romford as its under a main road and the noise would help connote a BSR. Also the sub way in Romford leads to other sub ways. A sub way would be a good location as it would be a typical spot were people meet to deal as people don't use the sub way due to how scary it is. The dirty look of the sub way would help it fit into a BSR film.,0.176854&spn=0.016109,0.038581&sll=51.579656,0.17797&sspn=0.016215,0.038581&hq=matalan&hnear=Romford,+Greater+London,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=15&layer=c&cbll=51.576453,0.176885&panoid=NTpOV5ZsPh1KLiTZhX3X5A&cbp=12,345.86,,1,14.15

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