Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Production log 7

Production log 

This week me and Ella re-filmed part of our opening sequence and started editing, However when we were editing again we found that it didn't flow and we didn't like they way it look as the story or theme wasn't portrayed and the camera language was very poor. We wanted to create the theme of bipolar in a different way but we felt when were filming it didn't seem right. We also started to create our logo in fireworks, we had to create our logo in fireworks because we didn't want to take a logo from Google. We also continued creating our logo in live type, we keep playing around with the text style as we both agree that the one we have is very simple and doesn't have much meaning behind it. However we don't want a style which looks like a horror title or Hollywood title. This week has helped us see what we can improve and how fast filming time goes, also it has helped us see that we need to develop our idea more or look how we can change it to make more sense. We don't want to put too much into the opening sequence because it takes the effect of enigma away. This week overall has been an eye opener as we have realised how fast time is going and that we need to change the direction of our idea to be a bit more smash mouth as we both feel when filming our idea, it seems to be a bit boring and if we was to watch our opening we wouldn't watch the rest of the movie.

We edited what we had together, however we didn't like it so we want to change our idea. But we uploaded the part we edited for our draft. We don't feel that we are showing our theme very well because we feel that our illness is being portrayed in a horror genre. From what we have we feel we could do much better, therefore over the holidays we will expand on our idea and look to approach it in different directions. This week has helped us realise what we need to change and that its not easy to portray.

We also continued with our graphics and title in live type, our title is 'switch' so we thought that a flicker on the title would look cool so we made it in live type. We first created a draft to see what it looked like instead of spending time to realise it didn't look right.
We found live type really easy to use and add animations and change colour,text and font once we got the hang of it. The program is broken down into sections as you have a timeline, viewing box and a panel with everything you need in order to edit what you want. When we were editing the title in terms of our animation we just went through all the ones live type had because we didn't want anything big or over the top because BSR are very basic but still have an idea behind it. For our draft we chose baffle because it has a flicker effect like a switch.
We also started creating our graphics on live type with the same text as the title, but we didn't get far because we have been focusing on our title, filming and editing. We will continue creating the graphics next week and hopefully find a soundtrack. 

Call Sheet 4

Sunday, 24 March 2013

call sheet 2

Our second call sheet, we filmed for the second time as we felt the shots we got the first time didn't work well when we started editing.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

production log 6

Production log 6
This week me and Ella started filming and started to create our graphics. When we were filming we found it hard to keep in control of time and keep the shots we wanted due to the look and space we had. However when it was time to edit we found that the lighting wasn't as clear as we wanted it to be, we wanted it to seem dark but when editing it, the shots were to dark however we didn't too much which was the good side.
We also started creating our title and logo, we started to create the title in live type. We found it hard to pick a font we wanted as we wanted something simple but something that had a representation behind it. We then had the problem of finding what animation we wanted on our title when it appeared, we didn't want anything big because the genre of BSR don't have anything big.

We got all our fonts of dafont.com, we found it really hard to pick one as they all look similar.
We chose an animation on live type which we felt added to the theme of our movie. Live type was easy to us once we got the hang of it, we also will create our graphics on live type.
We also started to re-think how we could film again without the issues we found when we first started filming, we are going to try a new location in order to resolve the problem.
This week has helped us see what we need to fix when filming and to show us that filming takes longer then we thought, also when we were editing we found that some shots needed to be re done. We know that we should save time to re film just in case all else fails. 

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Filming Location's

Location reccies

We will use this location when we film Rosie (Ella Linay) leaving her house for work just to set up the location. We will also films shots inside the house as we feel one of the rooms in the house looks like a typical location you would see in a British Social Realism. The Mise-en-scene of this house looks like a typical British house and connotes a working class look. This location is open to use for as long as we like due to the fact that it’s my house and it’s not too far from school or for the actors to get to. The house is in Chadwell heath near the high road. In this location we will film other shots as we can make use of the loaction we have as we the opportuiny to make the bedroom look run down which we film the opening shot in. Also the location is very empty inside which means we can make the most of the location to add to the effect of having a working class life in Britain.

We will also use this bus stop, the picked this specific bus stop due to the Mise-en-scene as it looks like a British area. Also we wanted to get a shot of the bus to add the British culture in as we are aiming the opening at a British audience. We will film Rosie (Ella Linay) sitting waiting for the bus with her headphones in, we are filming this shot to show her everyday life, and it also shows its nothing special as she can’t afford a car. This bus stop is on Chadwell heath lane, it’s very open to us as we can film anytime because it’s open to the public. We will film shot 11, 11a and 11b at the bus stop and it shouldn't take that long.

This is the location we will use to film the cross-cutting scene when Rosie (Ella Linay) is the office. The location we picked didn't have to be anything in particular due to the fact that we just want to focus on the idea of her floating in her own world. The British social realism convention will be fulfilled with the actors performance. This shot will high-light the idea that Rosie (Ella Linay) is not in the correct mental state therefore high-lighting her illness. The location is very open to us due to the fact that the location is two minutes away from school meaning it’s easy to get to and also that its Ella's house therefore we can use it whenever we want. The house is also in Chadwell heath near school. We will film shot 15 and 17.

We picked this location due to the fact that it was the only office we knew we could use when we needed it. However the look and location of the office feel into place as it’s in an industrial park which has a motor way running behind it, creating the look of Britain. Also the location isn't too far for us to travel, it takes two buses. This location is the furthest were going to film. We will film Rosie (Ella Linay) in her work office to show her work life, she needs to work in order to survive everyday life. Also we will film the other half of the cross-cutting scene here. We liked the location because it looks like a place she could work in and is very open for us as it’s a family business. Outside the office its very run down and full of other workshops and outside we also have a skip which adds to the rundown look of the location. We will film shot 12, 13a, 13b, 13c, 14, 14a, 16, 18, 18a, 21,22,22a and 23. As you can tell we are filming a lot of shots here so we need time which we have with this location. The location is in Barking which also has a typical British look to it.

With the houses we have back up plans as we can film at both of our houses in case on fails and our work won't be effected. However with the office if it fail we would have to find an alternative and the bus stop is always open to use.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Shooting Script

Shooting Script
We created our script as we wanted to know what shots we were going to film before production so we knew what we had to do when we start to save more time for post-production.

Call sheet 1

Production schedule


The treatment breaks down our opening and shows each section such as technology, representation and narrative etc in more detail for the opening in specific.


Sunday, 10 March 2013

Production log 5

Production log 5

The key issues of this week have been making sure that we like our idea and that the audience will like it enough to watch the rest of the movie. Also we found that an issue of pre-production was that we had to decide everything really quickly such as when we were going to film and where. We also had a problem with how we wanted to star as the main character as we wanted someone who could be serious and be believable but not to perfect. With our new idea we also found that if we didn't film it in the right way a young audience may not be interested and not watch the rest so we had to plan it in a way that it created enigma and highlighted the problems of illness for young people nowadays.

The decision we both agreed to was changing our idea completely as we didn't believe we could make an opening with our previous idea as it dealt with too many issues and the audience research agreed with us. Also we had to decide on a new idea, but we found it hard thinking of an idea as we wanted to make an idea which is new. We then chose the issue of illness to deal with as we felt it hadn't been dealt with on its own in BSR films. After deciding our idea we then had to think of ways to portray and what illness we wanted to show. We also has to make the decision of what we were going to call the film and we had to come with a narrative for the new film as we changed our idea a lot compared to the first idea. As we didn't have feedback from the audience we also had to be careful as we didn't know if people would like it or not but we think we could create a film which people would be interested in.

Monday, 4 March 2013


Our narrative

We are first introduced to the protagonist when we wake up with her to being her every-day life. The audience and her know she has an illness however the other characters in the story have no idea. Our main character (protagonist) is called Rosie, she is 19 years old, she finished her education after GCSE and was lucky enough to get a job at JMW shopfronts office. Her job is a very boring and repetitive job. Her dreams and hopes were left behind when her mother died when she was 15 years old. Everything is building up but she keeps it all hidden away to avoid problems for her dad. She is 1 of 5 children and has become a big part in the family role as her father trust her very much.  She has had this illness from birth but it has become more apparent now as she is suffering from depression.

Agent/ of change
We meet her work colleague and friend Claire who is so self involved she doesn't she that Rosie has an illness. Not only is the friend dependent on Rosie but so is her family, people rely on her. The audience are clearly made aware of Claire's problems as it takes the attention away from Rosie's illness. However later on Rosie receives a letter from the doctors requesting her to urgently see a doctor, but she tucks the letter away into her pile of work.

Rosie calls work to let them know she's ill, however Claire being so self-involved knocks over the pile on Rosie's desk. When see comes across the letter which Rosie received from the doctors, she does't believe that Rosie has kept this from her and everyone else. However Claire likes to play games so she carries on like she doesn't know what is happening but books an appointment for Rosie. Rosie's likes to carry on like nothing is happening but when she gets to work to find a letter with urgent on it, she opens it up surprised to see an appointment for tomorrow. Claire comes over and rubs her nose in Rosie's business when Rosie becomes aware on Claire's involvement. Rosie avoids talking about the matter when finally she goes to Claire. They eventually end up having lunch in a cafe where they decide to scream and shout at each other over the matter, when finally time for lunch finishes. 

Between all this drama Rosie's sister is being bullied and she is trying to help but she keeps forgetting to deal with it, to the point were Rosie's sister rejects Rosie and also avoids talking about and takes what the bullies are giving her.
Rosie's likes to carry on like nothing is happening but the awkwardness between Claire and her gets to much for the office. Rosie can't deal with losing her friend over something she was trying to protect them from. Rosie's does what she does best and avoids her problems, she finds her self in the chip shop grabbing dinner when it becomes to much and finds herself laying on the floor. The man helps her up when she realises who's in the shop. Rosie notices Claire's boyfriend sitting with another girl, when he gets up and grabs her. Her threatens her about what she has seen, un-aware about her faint.
The next day arrives when she finds her self staring at Claire, wanting to tell her so bad but its too late when Claire's boyfriend comes shooting in with a bunch of flowers.
More and more people are becoming aware of Rosie's illness, When her bosses find out they call her to the office to talk to her about their needs and contract. Not only does the meeting end but so does Rosie's job at JMW. Rosie is shocked that she has been fired so she starts dishing it out to her bosses how she's the only one in the office that does the work properly and this and that when she find herself laying on the floor again. Not only does she have to tell her father that they have lost their only income but why she has been dropped home in an ambulance.
Rosie's father sat her down, confused in why she would have kept the illness a secret un aware of how much her relies on Rosie. They have a big argument as Rosie doesn't believe she can get better and explains how she has researched it and the treatment cost too much for them. As they can barely get enough money for rent and weekly food.
Rosie finds herself crying alone in her bedroom talking to her mum, She realises she has let this all get out of hand. She picks up the appointment letter which Claire made and she gets so angry that life chose her, she's so young.

Climax and resolution
Over the time Rosie has spent hiding the illness and fighting with people, it becomes to late to deal with the illness as it has got out of control. Rosie wakes up to find her self on a hospital bed attached to pipes with her father, brothers and sisters and Claire. Finally Rosie agrees to have her treatment to try and help her illness only because her father has begged her. The treatment goes on for a few weeks when Rosie starts to feel the change, not only with her illness but with her life. Rosie has a last appointment with her doctor when he reveals that the illness will never go away as its genetic however she can cope with it if she sticks to the plan. However Rosie doesn't realise that the family have sacrificed their saving to pay for her treatment. This leads her to think about other routes in her life as she wants to pay her father back, but is to weak and sick from her illness and treatment to deal with anything. 

We then see a blank white screen with 4 months later on it, Rosie appears taking her pills and we see her carry on her boring every day life but she does have a happy ending as she has dealt long term with her illness which was pulling her down keeping it from everyone and mentally and physically. However she does still have to deal with all the other issues such as her family and work life, but do the pills work forever?