The key issues of this week have been making sure that we like our idea and that the audience will like it enough to watch the rest of the movie. Also we found that an issue of pre-production was that we had to decide everything really quickly such as when we were going to film and where. We also had a problem with how we wanted to star as the main character as we wanted someone who could be serious and be believable but not to perfect. With our new idea we also found that if we didn't film it in the right way a young audience may not be interested and not watch the rest so we had to plan it in a way that it created enigma and highlighted the problems of illness for young people nowadays.
The decision we both agreed to was changing our idea completely as we didn't believe we could make an opening with our previous idea as it dealt with too many issues and the audience research agreed with us. Also we had to decide on a new idea, but we found it hard thinking of an idea as we wanted to make an idea which is new. We then chose the issue of illness to deal with as we felt it hadn't been dealt with on its own in BSR films. After deciding our idea we then had to think of ways to portray and what illness we wanted to show. We also has to make the decision of what we were going to call the film and we had to come with a narrative for the new film as we changed our idea a lot compared to the first idea. As we didn't have feedback from the audience we also had to be careful as we didn't know if people would like it or not but we think we could create a film which people would be interested in.
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