Location reccies
We will use this location when we film Rosie (Ella Linay) leaving her house for work just to set up the location. We will also films shots inside the house as we feel one of the rooms in the house looks like a typical location you would see in a British Social Realism. The Mise-en-scene of this house looks like a typical British house and connotes a working class look. This location is open to use for as long as we like due to the fact that it’s my house and it’s not too far from school or for the actors to get to. The house is in Chadwell heath near the high road. In this location we will film other shots as we can make use of the loaction we have as we the opportuiny to make the bedroom look run down which we film the opening shot in. Also the location is very empty inside which means we can make the most of the location to add to the effect of having a working class life in Britain.
We will also use this bus stop, the picked this specific bus stop due to the Mise-en-scene as it looks like a British area. Also we wanted to get a shot of the bus to add the British culture in as we are aiming the opening at a British audience. We will film Rosie (Ella Linay) sitting waiting for the bus with her headphones in, we are filming this shot to show her everyday life, and it also shows its nothing special as she can’t afford a car. This bus stop is on Chadwell heath lane, it’s very open to us as we can film anytime because it’s open to the public. We will film shot 11, 11a and 11b at the bus stop and it shouldn't take that long.
This is the location we will use to film the cross-cutting scene when Rosie (Ella Linay) is the office. The location we picked didn't have to be anything in particular due to the fact that we just want to focus on the idea of her floating in her own world. The British social realism convention will be fulfilled with the actors performance. This shot will high-light the idea that Rosie (Ella Linay) is not in the correct mental state therefore high-lighting her illness. The location is very open to us due to the fact that the location is two minutes away from school meaning it’s easy to get to and also that its Ella's house therefore we can use it whenever we want. The house is also in Chadwell heath near school. We will film shot 15 and 17.
We picked this location due to the fact that it was the only office we knew we could use when we needed it. However the look and location of the office feel into place as it’s in an industrial park which has a motor way running behind it, creating the look of Britain. Also the location isn't too far for us to travel, it takes two buses. This location is the furthest were going to film. We will film Rosie (Ella Linay) in her work office to show her work life, she needs to work in order to survive everyday life. Also we will film the other half of the cross-cutting scene here. We liked the location because it looks like a place she could work in and is very open for us as it’s a family business. Outside the office its very run down and full of other workshops and outside we also have a skip which adds to the rundown look of the location. We will film shot 12, 13a, 13b, 13c, 14, 14a, 16, 18, 18a, 21,22,22a and 23. As you can tell we are filming a lot of shots here so we need time which we have with this location. The location is in Barking which also has a typical British look to it.
With the houses we have back up plans as we can film at both of our houses in case on fails and our work won't be effected. However with the office if it fail we would have to find an alternative and the bus stop is always open to use.
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